We have tracked, from Department of the Interior, National Park Service, over 23 funding programs and $5,704,848 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
Implement Chesapeake Gateways Network Projects in Annapolis Apply for NPS 20 REG1 0006

Funding Number: NPS 20 REG1 0006
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Resource Management assistance with Geographic Information System Mapping Apply for P19AS00520

Funding Number: P19AS00520
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $37,380
Crossroads of the American Revolution NHA Apply for NPS 19 NERO 0089

Funding Number: NPS 19 NERO 0089
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Community Development
Funding Amount: $332,097
Interpretive and Outdoor Recreational Programs Apply for NPS 19 NERO 0084

Funding Number: NPS 19 NERO 0084
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: $37,645
GP CESU: Ethnographic Overview & Assessment of Camp Mueller - CUVA Apply for NPS NOIP19AC00042

Funding Number: NPS NOIP19AC00042
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $94,000
Trail of Tears NHT Admin. and Volunteer Support FY 19-20 Apply for NPSNOINTIRP19AC00748

Funding Number: NPSNOINTIRP19AC00748
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $149,135
Farmington Wild and Scenic River Assistance Apply for NPS 19 NERO 0056

Funding Number: NPS 19 NERO 0056
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $105,000
Resource Stewardship in the Integrated Resources Management Division at Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park Apply for P19AS00306

Funding Number: P19AS00306
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $139,980
Historic Preservation & Deferred Maintenance Youth Crew Leader Apply for NPS 18 NERO 0114

Funding Number: NPS 18 NERO 0114
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $36,352
NOTICE OF INTENT: Increasing the Effectiveness of White-nose Syndrome Monitoring and Detection in Bat Populations at Chiricahua National Monument & Fort Bowie National Historic Site Apply for P18AS00369

Funding Number: P18AS00369
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $39,885
Balanced Stewardship and Youth Involvement in California National Parks Apply for P18AS00300

Funding Number: P18AS00300
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $3,000,000
Interpretation and Resource Intern at Jimmy Carter Historic Site Apply for P18AS00295

Funding Number: P18AS00295
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Education
Funding Amount: $46,410
Vegetation Program Volunteer Coordinator Fellowship Apply for NPSNOIGRCA1800097

Funding Number: NPSNOIGRCA1800097
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Natural Resources
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Landscape and Exterior Maintenance of Pratt Cabin, Guadalupe Mountains National Park Apply for P18AS00023

Funding Number: P18AS00023
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $29,296
Catalog Archeology for Regional Northeast Museum Services Center Projects Apply for NPS 17 NERO 0192

Funding Number: NPS 17 NERO 0192
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Employment, Labor and Training
Funding Amount: $30,445
Statistical Support for Southeast Region I&M Networks Apply for NPS NOI 17 CESU 29821

Funding Number: NPS NOI 17 CESU 29821
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Sudbury, Assabet, Concord (SuAsCo) Wild and Scenic River Assistance Apply for NPS 17 NERO 0111

Funding Number: NPS 17 NERO 0111
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: $100,000
National History Day Student Special Prizes and Teacher Theme Books - 2018 Apply for P17AS00443

Funding Number: P17AS00443
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Humanities (see Cultural Affairs in CFDA)
Funding Amount: $45,000
Independence Visitor Center - Operation, Use and Maintenance Apply for NPS 17 NERO 0021

Funding Number: NPS 17 NERO 0021
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Environment
Funding Amount: $489,600
Notice of Intent to Award: Support and Sponsorship of Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conferences Apply for P17AS00068

Funding Number: P17AS00068
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Environment, Natural Resources
Funding Amount: $90,000
Operate Environmental Education Programs - INDU Apply for NOIP17AC00129

Funding Number: NOIP17AC00129
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $800,000
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD: Trail Stewards Program: Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail Apply for NPS 17 NERO 0013

Funding Number: NPS 17 NERO 0013
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $72,879
NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD: Trail Stewards Program: Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail Apply for NPS 17 NERO 0011

Funding Number: NPS 17 NERO 0011
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Category: Other (see text field entitled Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity for clarification)
Funding Amount: $29,744


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  • Grants Repository - Access current and historic funding opportunities with ease. Thousands of funding opportunities are published every week. We can help you sort through the database and find the eligible ones to apply for.
  • Applicant Video Guides - The grant application process can be challenging to follow. We can help you with intuitive video guides to speed up the process and eliminate errors in submissions.
  • Grant Proposal Wizard - We have developed a network of private funding organizations and investors across the United States. We can reach out and submit your proposal to these contacts to maximize your chances of getting the funding you need.
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